Hello y'all!

Today we are going to talk about Padlet.

Padlet is an website that lets you create bulltin boards. You can post texts and visuals on it. It also lets you post anonymously, which is a feature I loved.

For my task I created KWL chart, short for "Know, Want to Know and Learned". Sorry, WE did it. As it was a group project, I worked with my lovely friends Gülsüm and Beyza. You can check out their blogs by clicking on their names.

We wanted to discuss 2020's unwelcomed, overstaying guest; Covid-19. We talked about how it affected the life in Turkey. We wish we could have talked about all aspects of it. But as we had a time and space limit, we could only touch upon the economic, educational and social aspects of it.

Click here to check out our wall!

Padlet is a pretty foolproof website. I can even say it was a delight to use it. Anyone can share his/her/their ideas and anyone can comment on it. The only hard part of it this task was to collect credible information. It is not easy to read articles about such a depressing topic.

Now, it's time to put on my teacher hat.

I think this website can be useful in EFL classrooms. It can be used for book and movie discussions. Students can express their ideas, even anonymously for shy ones, and the teacher can observe freely. If you're looking for a place to make your online classes more fun, give Padlet a try!

'Till next time!


  1. Even though I know how the virus changes our life, it was still shocking for me to see all these effects on our life.
    P.s. Thank you for referring to the suicide hotlines for those who need help.

    1. It really shocks you when you think about it.
      P.s. I hope it can really help someone

  2. I know how challenging the subject is, but you and your group did a great job. I really liked your board!


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