The Radio of Gen Z: PODCASTS

Hello y’all!

Today we’re going talk about podcasting! For those of you living under a rock, podcasting is like a modern version of broadcasting. Unlike broadcasting it can be downloaded and listened anytime.

For my task I was given 4 options to choose from. I chose to sing a song about a fairytale character. You can listen to it down below.

As it was supposed to be an original work I had to compose the song on my own. So first I wrote the lyrics, which was surprisingly the easiest part. Then it was time to record. What makes recording so confusing is the amount of apps offering millions of features. But don’t worry. I’ve had my fair share and I can assure you, you don’t need any special equipment. Even your phone’s default recorder, which I used, is fine.

Before starting recording, make sure the room is silent. Don't yell at the microphone and let the magic happen.

Once the recording was done, I uploaded it to podomatic, which is an app very easy to use. I mean even your grandma can podcast without asking millions of questions.

Podcasting has taught me more than I expected. I highly recommend using it for L2 teaching. It mostly focuses on listening and speaking skills, which are generally overlooked in Turkey. It helps you be more self-aware; the tone of your voice, pronunciation…

That’s for today. Feel free to comment on my beautiful song and leave your favorite podcasts on the comments.

‘Till next time!


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