Gather Around Kiddos!

Hello y'all!

Get some marshmallows because today we’re telling stories! At least I am.

For today’s task my friend Ayşenur and I, you can click on her name to check out her blog, decided to tell what happens after Snow White’s happily ever after but with a little twist at the end. 

After writing our script, we recorded our lines. Thanks to the podcast task, we already knew what apps to use. As we live in different cities, we needed to edit them to sound like we are talking to each other. We used Clipchamp for it.

There are hundreds of apps out there to edit videos but unfortunately most of them are not free. After trying some of them and having a literal meltdown, we decided to go with a simpler app to put the visuals and audio together. We used Youcut to put everything together. 

Here’s our story!

I have complicated feelings for this task. It turned out to be harder than I thought it would be. But at least I learnt how to edit videos, which is something I’d been meaning to but kept postponing for a long time.

I’ll assign my future students a task like that. Storytelling is an important skill and it encourages students to use authentic language. As speaking is a skill generally overlooked, this task is perfect to practice it.

What do you think about our video?

‘Till next time!


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