Hello y'all!

Today I want you to close your eyes and imagine a classroom.

The image we visualize in our mind when we think of a classroom is not very appealing. The dusty floors making us want to cough, the yelling of a strict teacher making us shiver, the annoying sound of the chalk moving on the board…  All these sound like the description of a faded picture.  But the advancements of 21st century technology add color to this image.

The best way to describe the basics of 21st century learning is 4Cs;

-          Creativity

-          Collaboration

-          Critical Thinking

-          Communication

Today, learning is not about memorizing some texts from old books or sitting through long hours of lectures, hoping not to fall asleep. Learning process now requires you to be active. You don’t just learn, you also contribute. Learners are not seen as bottles to fill with information. They are human beings that are unique, full of ideas.

Teaching is an organic process shaped and changing by the needs and advancements of life. Technology has a big role on it. Adapting technology into classroom is welcomed and expected.

As a future teacher, I’m trying to find new and creative ways to enhance my teaching. Well, as Gen Z if we cannot manage to do that, who else will?

Till’ next time!


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