"EUREKA!" said, the student.

Hello y'all!

Today we're going to create a Language Awareness Task! Don't let the name scare you. It's much simpler than what it sounds like. 

Our aim is to guide the students to be more aware of the features of the target language that would normally fly over their head. To do this, students will analyze the corpus, a data we will provide them, and discover the targeted patterns. 
I created this task with  my dear friend Ayşenur, whom you may remember from the digital storytelling task. We chose a commonly confused grammar point from the coursebook our teacher provided. We used Skell and Lextutor as our corpora and we used Canva, our hero, to create the material. Here's our work. 

IF & UNLESS by Sude Kılıç

The hardest part was looking from a student's point of view to see if the task is succesful. Thankfully, our teacher gave feedback through the process.

Feel free to give yours as well!

'Till next time!


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